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Practical Divine Wisdom #498

2022 Christmas Special

Practical Divine Wisdom #497

Practical Divine Wisdom #496

Practical Divine Wisdom #495

Practical Divine Wisdom #494

Practical Divine Wisdom #493

Practical Divine Wisdom #492

Biblical illustrations of the failing of humanistic answers to life's problems: King Ahab, Haman, Abraham; Solomon's search for validity in human wisdom brings grief and heartbreak

Practical Divine Wisdom #491

The total depravity of man resulting from the sin nature; only God can break the cycle of hopelessness

Practical Divine Wisdom #490

Who is God? Who are we that God should value us in our human works? They are here today and gone tomorrow like the wind; God's work in nature testifies to His existence and power

Practical Divine Wisdom #489

Vainity is the outcome of all human accomplishments, it is grievous; man must seek God for true wisdom and accomplishments

Practical Divine Wisdom #488

Mankind looks for meaning in life, something greater than himself

Practical Divine Wisdom #487

Comparing our meaning of life and God's plan for us; a wise man's observations without divine wisdom is man's greatest void, with unintended consequences

Practical Divine Wisdom #486

Ecclesiastes Introduction (cont.): the futility of life without God

Practical Divine Wisdom #485

Ecclesiastes Introduction (cont.): Solomon observes the natural world; everything is recycled and everything remains the same, except for mankind

Practical Divine Wisdom #484

Ecclesiastes Introduction (cont.): a generation comes and goes but the earth lasts forever; the same sun shines on all generations

Practical Divine Wisdom #483

Ecclesiastes Introduction (cont.): Solomon teaches us to be skeptical of the humanistic thinking in this world: it is all vanity

Practical Divine Wisdom #482

Ecclesiastes Introduction (cont.): nothing is meaningless that centers on the spiritual life

Practical Divine Wisdom #481

Ecclesiastes Introduction (cont.): the inadequacy of human viewpoint; the human race was created for God's purposes

Practical Divine Wisdom #480

Ecclesiastes Introduction (cont.): the search for a natural man for the meaning of man's existence

Practical Divine Wisdom #479

Ecclesiastes Introduction: the history and controversy of Ecclesiastes; proving that Solomon is the author

Practical Divine Wisdom #478

The instruction of divine discipline personally and nationally; divine discipline is for recovery from spiritual failure, for our benefit

Practical Divine Wisdom #477

Communion: the Holy Spirit's anointing of every believer; commissioning every believer as a prophet united with Christ

Practical Divine Wisdom #476

The Word of God is the light in the darkness of this world, the lamp that guides you

Practical Divine Wisdom #475

God speaks to us through His word alone; our spiritual life is guided by the wisdom implanted in our souls

Practical Divine Wisdom #474

Sleep in peace; teaching children to have a relaxed mental attitude; divine revelation for everything we need to walk in this life

Practical Divine Wisdom #473

Wisdom of doctrine gives a relaxed mental attitude for sleep; certainty and confidence in His care

Practical Divine Wisdom #472

Results of diligently teaching your children; when they walk the teaching will guide them; walk in the spiritual life or be an enemy of the Cross

Practical Divine Wisdom #471

Teaching your children doctrine (cont.): the mandate to teach your children the Word of God and laws of divine establishment out of concern for their future

Practical Divine Wisdom #470

Deception of the cosmic system and the effects on the Client Nation

Practical Divine Wisdom #469

Solomon presents the solution to the problems he has warned his son about: spiritual wisdom; binding spiritual wisdom to your soul so it cannot be lost

Practical Divine Wisdom #468

Teaching your children doctrine (cont.): how to teach children to honor their parents; children raised by bad parents and how they can overcome their situation

Practical Divine Wisdom #467

Teaching your children doctrine (cont.): the problems of having only one parent; the problems of same-sex parenting

Practical Divine Wisdom #466

Biblical principles of the role of the father and mother in teaching their children

Practical Divine Wisdom #465

Do not forsake the teaching of your children

Practical Divine Wisdom #464

Parents are obligated to teach and support their children; authority orientation for parents and their children

Practical Divine Wisdom #463

His calamity will come suddenly, and he will be broken without healing; the Justice of God at work

Practical Divine Wisdom #462

God's Justice upon evil; Christians must leave room for the Justice of God

Practical Divine Wisdom #461

Where is God in injustice? He uses it for His purposes and opportunities; trust in God, your defender

Practical Divine Wisdom #460

God's Justice is always fair and always at work; stay out of God's way and let Him work

Practical Divine Wisdom #459

Communion: forgiveness of sin

Practical Divine Wisdom #458

Our world of strife, human philosophy, and Marxism; thesis and antithesis

Practical Divine Wisdom #457

The worthless wicked person spreads strife; the evils of Christian activism and humanism: failure is inevitable

Practical Divine Wisdom #456

The heart that devises evil has perverse thoughts and causes strife

Practical Divine Wisdom #455

False teaching about the Tribulation

Practical Divine Wisdom #454

Searching for happiness; sharing the happiness of God is the greatest happiness in life

Practical Divine Wisdom #453

True happiness and how it can be acquired

Practical Divine Wisdom #452

The worthless wicked person recruiting adults, teens and children for the cosmic system; parents must protect and teach their children about evil worthless people

Practical Divine Wisdom #451

The evil trouble maker pointing to the way of trouble; recruiting for the cosmic system with evil disguised as good

Practical Divine Wisdom #450

Review of the characteristics of the evil trouble maker: a perverse mouth, winks with the eyes, feet leading to evil, directing toward evil with a pointing finger

Practical Divine Wisdom #449

Avoiding the evil troublemaker; signaling with the feet refers to running towards evil

Practical Divine Wisdom #448

Three metaphors for the evil troublemaker; parents should teach their children authority orientation; the results of disobedience to parents

Practical Divine Wisdom #447

The evil troublemaker is a counselor of the cosmic system, and spreads all that is anti-God; the evil wink

Practical Divine Wisdom #446

Communion: how can a human be just before God? Justification by God through Jesus Christ

Practical Divine Wisdom #445

The evil troublemaker is any fool without the laws of Divine Establishment or no spiritual life

Practical Divine Wisdom #444

The evil troublemaker and the sin nature; scripture reveals the evil side of mankind

Practical Divine Wisdom #443

The victim mentality of the sluggard. How to escape thru spiritual renovation

Practical Divine Wisdom #442

The blight of the sluggard on society

Practical Divine Wisdom #441

Poverty of soul is the certain outcome of lazy sluggard

Practical Divine Wisdom #440

Stability in the routine of work and a good work ethic; a bad work ethic brings ruin, destitution, and need

Practical Divine Wisdom #439

A mimic of the sluggard; hard work brings stability and respect

Practical Divine Wisdom #438

The sluggard: in temporal life and in the spiritual life

Practical Divine Wisdom #437

The sluggard: the do-nothing person from which nothing good comes

Practical Divine Wisdom #436

The metaphor of the ant continued: preparing for the future; example of Joseph of Egypt preparing for famine in the land

Practical Divine Wisdom #435

The metaphor of the ant continued; preparing for the future; applying the ant metaphor to our own lives

Practical Divine Wisdom #434

The metaphor of the ant continued; no sluggards in an ant colony; observing nature and seeing the awesomeness of our God

Practical Divine Wisdom #433

The wisdom of the ant vs. the lazy sluggard; the Divine mandate for man to work

Practical Divine Wisdom #432

The lazy person has no self discipline; children need structure and standards for stability and self-discipline

Practical Divine Wisdom #431

The sluggard; wellfare indulges laziness

Practical Divine Wisdom #430

Communion: man's fallen state and need for salvation, from the time of the garden; shed blood for atonement

Practical Divine Wisdom #429

Applying the Biblical principles of surety today, both personally and nationally; we are a debtor society; problem of deficit spending

Practical Divine Wisdom #428

How to deliver yourself from a bad pledge of surety

Practical Divine Wisdom #427

Surety should be given with wisdom only; co-signers beware; never deprive your family to be a surety

Practical Divine Wisdom #426

Surety reviewed; surety can be unwise, even a trap; the Moasic Law taught surety and grace principles for avoiding debt

Practical Divine Wisdom #425

Solomon teaches the subject of surety; being a cosigner for someone else's debt

Practical Divine Wisdom #424

Solomon teaches his son a variety of subjects about money management

Practical Divine Wisdom #423

The adulterer will stagger in the greatness of his folly; God's judgment for lack of instruction is inevitable

Practical Divine Wisdom #422

Nothing is hidden from the Lord, we are all in full view; to die from lack of instruction

Practical Divine Wisdom #421

Sin brings punishment, personal or national, and is never hidden from the Lord; the spiritual adultery that is replacing Christianity in our nation today

Practical Divine Wisdom #420

The basic problem of mankind in this Devil's world: the universal sin nature of all mankind; nothing is hidden from God

Practical Divine Wisdom #419

Doctrine of the Divine Design for Sex, part 10: love for your own wife or husband should be a permanent love; adultery with foreign women (as God warned the Jews) compared to spiritual adultery that can destroy a nation

Practical Divine Wisdom #418

Doctrine of the Divine Design for Sex, part 9: Find pleasure in a fulfilling marriage

Practical Divine Wisdom #417

Doctrine of the Divine Design for Sex, part 8: importance of not bringing children into the world outside of marriage

Practical Divine Wisdom #416

Doctrine of the Divine Design for Sex, part 7: the dangers of sexual contact with many women compared with polluted streams of water

Practical Divine Wisdom #415

Doctrine of the Divine Design for Sex, part 6: sex for procreation is secondary to the recreational expression of love

Practical Divine Wisdom #414

Communion: the name above every name, the Divinely given name of Jesus

Practical Divine Wisdom #413

Doctrine of the Divine Design for Sex, part 5: privacy of sexuality in marriage

Practical Divine Wisdom #412

Doctrine of the Divine Design for Sex, part 4: true sexual freedom

Practical Divine Wisdom #411

Doctrine of the Divine Design for Sex, part 3: quality of roles in sex; destructiveness of the feminist movement to marriage and family; includes special presentation by Rev. Mark Musser

Practical Divine Wisdom #410

Doctrine of the Divine Design for Sex, part 2: interdependence, unity and sanctity; the one flesh principle

Practical Divine Wisdom #409

Principles of sexuality in marriage, Part 5: outside of marriage, sex is destructive; the Doctrine of the Divine Design for Sex

Practical Divine Wisdom #408

Principles of sexuality in marriage, Part 4: prerequisites for marriage for believers and unbelievers

Practical Divine Wisdom #407

Principles of sexuality in marriage, Part 3: growing old together and developing satisfaction and fulfillment in every aspect of marriage

Practical Divine Wisdom #406

Principles of sexuality in marriage, Part 2: God created sex for marriage as an expression of deep, personal love

Practical Divine Wisdom #405

Principles of sexuality in marriage, Part 1

Practical Divine Wisdom #404

Adultery is never hidden; disaster of spiritual adultery to a nation

Practical Divine Wisdom #403

Evil calamity as a result of adultery; account of the adulteress brought before Jesus by the Pharisees

Practical Divine Wisdom #402

Communion: importance of memory. The memory of the Lord Jesus Christ, His work for us and His Word. The unbeliever will remember the decision that brought him to hell. The memory of the Christian will always be the sweet savor of Christ

Practical Divine Wisdom #401

The unfaithful wife and God's justice; adulterous Israel analogous to Hosea and his wife Gomer

Practical Divine Wisdom #400

Almost utter ruin as a result of adultery; adultery in the Mosaic Law; special presentation by Jim Myers

Practical Divine Wisdom #399

Rejection of authority and information that would be a protection

Practical Divine Wisdom #398

Sin leading to reversionism and emotional revolt of the soul causing a non-operating conscience

Practical Divine Wisdom #397

Review of spiritual adultery and physical adultery; emotional revolt of the soul

Practical Divine Wisdom #396

Regrets of the life lived in adultery; spiritual and physical adultery

Practical Divine Wisdom #395

Limiting future options: adultery in the Mosaic Law (Lev. 20:10); adultery never remains hidden

Practical Divine Wisdom #394

Memorial Day Tribute: the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier; 4 results of adultery; adultery limits life

Practical Divine Wisdom #393

Four results of adultery, Part 1: Loss of Vigor

Practical Divine Wisdom #392

Communion: the Grace of God is the policy of God toward sinful humanity

Practical Divine Wisdom #391

A warning again, do not go near the adulteress; good instructions for new relationships

Practical Divine Wisdom #390

The adulteress does not consider the damage she causes; the descent down to Sheol

Practical Divine Wisdom #389

Soul death as a result of adultery; there is a way to recover

Practical Divine Wisdom #388

Divine discipline applies for adultery; the Way of Sheol

Practical Divine Wisdom #387

The deceit and destruction of adultery, like an ox being led to slaughter

Practical Divine Wisdom #386

Solomon continues to warn his son, explaining the difference between true soul love and sinful recreational sex

Practical Divine Wisdom #385

The trap is set by the adultress seeking only sex and pleasure; she has no love, especially no soul love

Practical Divine Wisdom #384

God's rules and standards for for our protection and cannot be ignored; visible and invisible ploys of the adultress

Practical Divine Wisdom #383

Solomon's description of the seductive adultress; calculating and organized in her seduction

Practical Divine Wisdom #382

Solomon teaches his son about having discretion when facing a seductress

Practical Divine Wisdom #381

God designed sex and marriage; morality is the best way to live your life

Practical Divine Wisdom #380

Solomon cautions his son of the dangers of immorality; examples Solomon's failed relationships and his forsaking God

2022 Easter Special Part 2

Adoption of all believers; we are all Children of God, heirs of His Royal Family

2022 Easter Special Part 1

Communion: Faith in a living savior

Practical Divine Wisdom #379

The wisdom of Solomon; a vehicle to teach every son and daughter

Practical Divine Wisdom #378

A father's talk with his son; introduction and overview of Proverbs 5

Practical Divine Wisdom #377

Outline and introduction to Proverbs 5: A father's personal talk with his son

Practical Divine Wisdom #376

David prays for blessing for all people; believers can pray for deliverance with confidence

Practical Divine Wisdom #375

Victory belongs to the Lord

Practical Divine Wisdom #374

There will always be wars and rumors of war; God uses war for His own purposes, to protect His people from the cosmic system

Practical Divine Wisdom #373

Fulfillment of our prayers: God knows all the facts; in His omniscienc, He weighs all requests, circumstances, and solutions at the same time

Practical Divine Wisdom #372

God works all things together for good for His people, and according to His will

Practical Divine Wisdom #371

Make room for God's plan and stay out of His way; '"Oh Lord, arise and take action:" prayed many times by David and Moses

Practical Divine Wisdom #370

David's immediate request for God's immediate action; God controls history for His purposes to preserve the client nationz

Practical Divine Wisdom #369

What good does it do to worry? You have nothing to fear, for adversities have benefits

Practical Divine Wisdom #368

I lay down and sleep in confidence: a matter of faith-rest

Practical Divine Wisdom #367

Come to the throne of Grace, the Holy Mountain and He will answer; take confidence in Him

Practical Divine Wisdom #366

Overcoming fear to keep the mind clear as David does himself and the relaxed mental attitude he instills in his men; fear must be defeated

Practical Divine Wisdom #365

David prays loudly, publicly so all may hear of his confidence in the Lord; prayer puts us in the presence of God; fear and the solution to it

Practical Divine Wisdom #364

Confidence and trust in the Lord; He lifts our head; God is the answer to our problems, not Christian activism

Practical Divine Wisdom #363

Christians are mandated to glorify God; we do not glorify God by our good works without the Filling of the Holy Spirit; God's glory is eternal and we can share in it

Practical Divine Wisdom #362

Communion: Jesus Christ the God-man came to die on the cross so we could live; because of Him the believer's eternal life is secure

Practical Divine Wisdom #361

The spiritual life option is the best option for your life; the shield of protection is a shield of faith called the faith-rest drill; how we use the faith-rest drill

Practical Divine Wisdom #360

"You, oh Lord, are a shield around me"

Practical Divine Wisdom #359

The importance of prayer; the definition of SELAH

Practical Divine Wisdom #358

The use of propaganda against David compared to the use of propaganda against freedom today

Practical Divine Wisdom #357

Historical examples of revolutions similar to the Absalom revolt against David; David's lament of the increase of his enemies

Practical Divine Wisdom #356

Jim Myers speaks about the crises in Ukraine; the triumph of David's "I will not fear;" fear is never the solution

Practical Divine Wisdom #355

The account of the Absalom revolt against David (II Sam. 15:1-12); David's retreat to Gilead; the warning to David from the prophet Nathan comes to pass (II Sam. 16:21-22); the evil of Absalom and David's resolution to fight (II Sam. 18)

Practical Divine Wisdom #354

Russian invasion of Ukraine compared to Hitler's invasion of Europe; beginning of the account of Absalom, Amnon and Tamar; beginning of the Absalom revolt

Practical Divine Wisdom #353

The need for trust in the protection of the Lord; the repercussion of sin on our lives, example: the repercussions of David's sins

Practical Divine Wisdom #352

Summary of Psalm 121; trusting in God's protection and care

Practical Divine Wisdom #351

The Lord will protect you and guide you through life's journey according to His will

Practical Divine Wisdom #350

The sun will not smite you by day nor the moon by night; the Lord is our protector at all times. Nothing could keep us more secure.

Practical Divine Wisdom #349

The Lord is your keeper, SHAMAR, the keeper on your right hand

Practical Divine Wisdom #348

God does not slumber nor sleep; He is our ever-present keeper

Practical Divine Wisdom #347

Communion: the complete salvation package, overflowing with grace

Practical Divine Wisdom #346

Divine intervention of protection of which we may never know; direct and final confirmation of God's protection of His people

Practical Divine Wisdom #345

Importance of grammar for the translation of God's divine protection in verses 1-4

Practical Divine Wisdom #344

Specifics on the Lord's help on our journey through life according to His plan

Practical Divine Wisdom #343

God the all-powerful and omnipotent; the 'Ezer'

Practical Divine Wisdom #342

Our help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the earth; wall of fire protection

Practical Divine Wisdom #341

Introduction to Psalm 121; I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; your life's journey

Practical Divine Wisdom #340

Introduction to Psalm 121; we are in the Lord's keeping as we make our journey

Practical Divine Wisdom #339

Introduction to Psalm 121; the Lord is the guardian; we are pilgrims journeying down a dangerous road

Practical Divine Wisdom #338

New every morning is the unfailing love of God; God's sovereign control over the world

Practical Divine Wisdom #337

An account of the Apostle Paul and Silas on a missionary journey. They are wrongfully imprisoned, beaten, and chained, yet they sing praises to the Lord and pray; the powerful impact their story has

Practical Divine Wisdom #336

The evil, unsatisfied men described as wild dogs are compared to leaders in high places today, attacking Christianity and divine establishment; the solution to these evil dogs in David's time and now

Practical Divine Wisdom #335

God's power will be known to the world until the end of the earth; the enemy in the cosmic system are like wild dogs full of hate and anger, and are never satisfied

Practical Divine Wisdom #334

Revealing the power of God; He controls what happens in His realm

Practical Divine Wisdom #333

The Lord defeats and annihilates the Rabshaka and the Assyrian army; why God does not wipe out all evil

Practical Divine Wisdom #332

Communion: examples of symbolism of Christ in the Bible and their meanings; Christ the good shepherd

Practical Divine Wisdom #331

Continuing the account of II Kings 18:19-37; 19:1-37: the Assyrian Rabshaka laying siege on the Jews, threatening annihilation

Practical Divine Wisdom #330

David prays for total destruction of the enemy and why, just as Hezekiah's answered prayer in II Kings 18:19-37; 19:1-37

2021 New Year's Eve Special: Proverbs 31 (Part 7)

The Virtuous Woman, part 7: she speaks with wisdom, kindness, and common sense; her love for the Lord is the foundation that translates to others

2021 New Year's Eve Special: Proverbs 31 (Part 6)

The Virtuous Woman, part 6: her dress and personal care reflect what is in her soul; she represents her family to the community

2021 New Year's Eve Special: Proverbs 31 (Part 5)

The Virtuous Woman, part 5: she is satisfied as she looks back on her life; she is industrious and has prepared her family for all situations

2021 New Year's Eve Special: Proverbs 31 (Part 4)

The Virtuous Woman, part 4: the right priorities for a wife and mother

2021 New Year's Eve Special: Proverbs 31 (Part 3)

The Virtuous Woman, part 3: a virtuous wife is priceless

2021 New Year's Eve Special: Proverbs 31 (Part 2)

The Virtuous Woman, part 2: the noble woman progressing in 3 stages

2021 New Year's Eve Special: Proverbs 31 (Part 1)

Communion: we love because He first loved us (John 3:16-18); The Virtuous Woman, part 1: women are not ignored in the Bible

Practical Divine Wisdom #329

Divine intervention

Practical Divine Wisdom #328

Verbal sins injure others; relax and leave the matter in the Lord's hands and pray liars be exposed

Practical Divine Wisdom #327

David prays for the destruction of his enemies and why; don't judge others or you will be judged

2021 Christmas Special

Christmas is the key to the destiny of man; a future Christmas: the second advent

Practical Divine Wisdom #326

The Lord is our shield and our defense

Practical Divine Wisdom #325

We must not forget God's deliverance of His people

Practical Divine Wisdom #324

Marxism in the United States: we have forgotten its evils and the hate it spreads towards Christians

Practical Divine Wisdom #323

David prays for his enemies not to be killed, but to be scattered

Practical Divine Wisdom #322

God's loving kindness and how it works for you and your benefit in all times

Practical Divine Wisdom #321

God's loving kindness for His people

Practical Divine Wisdom #320

Knowing our own weakness we wait on the Lord, who is our stronghold

Practical Divine Wisdom #319

The Lord will laugh at the ignorance of David's enemies; the assurance of the Lord's care and keeping

Practical Divine Wisdom #318

We must learn to wait on the Lord and trust in His deliverance; stand still and watch the deliverance of the Lord

Practical Divine Wisdom #317

David describes the enemies that are trying to kill him as wild dogs: savage and deadly

Practical Divine Wisdom #316

Self-centered arrogance and Christian activism

Practical Divine Wisdom #315

The ultimate goal of the believer; renovate your thinking; the problem of self-absorption and self-centeredness

Practical Divine Wisdom #314

Seventh compartment of the stream of consciousness: wisdom from metabolized Bible Doctrine; Doctrine of epistemological rehabilitation, part 5

Practical Divine Wisdom #313

Be transformed by the renovation of your thinking; impersonal love and people testing; Doctrine of epistemological rehabilitation, part 4

Practical Divine Wisdom #312

People testing; momentum compartment of the stream of consciousness is short circuited by failing testing; Doctrine of epistemological rehabilitation, part 3

Practical Divine Wisdom #311

Communion: Christ is the Lord of all, savior of all who believe in Him; Christ is the creator and keeper of the universe

Practical Divine Wisdom #310

Verterans Day rememberance; momentum compartment of the stream of consciousness; normal spiritual growth & accelerated growth through testing; Doctrine of epistemological rehabilitation, part 2

Practical Divine Wisdom #309

Renewing your thinking with divine wisdom; the account of Daniel's moral courage; Doctrine of epistemological rehabilitation, part 1

Practical Divine Wisdom #308

Conscience and guilt; Doctrine of Epistemology, part 2

Practical Divine Wisdom #307

How to learn and apply divine wisdom; Doctrine of Epistemology, part 1

Practical Divine Wisdom #306

Learning how to think with divine wisdom; Stream of Consciousness, part 2

Practical Divine Wisdom #305

The heart of the people; Stream of Consciousness, part 1

Practical Divine Wisdom #304

God does not deliver degeneracy, but does deliver His people; God honors those who honor Him (part 4)

Practical Divine Wisdom #303

Downfall of a client nation is a spiritual problem; false doctrines violating God's laws (part 3)

Practical Divine Wisdom #302

Destruction of a client nation because of spiritual deterioration; many shepherds have ruined my vineyard (part 2)

Practical Divine Wisdom #301

Jeremiah warns of destruction of the nation Israel because she has turned against God

Practical Divine Wisdom #300

David prays that God does not give grace to treacherous enemies of the nation. How we in the Church Age are to pray for the enemies of our nation

Practical Divine Wisdom #299

Facing oppressing national peril

Practical Divine Wisdom #298

God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in time of need

Practical Divine Wisdom #297

How to be calm in dire adversity as demonstrated by David. God is our ever present help; He waits for your request in prayer

Practical Divine Wisdom #296

Do you trust in the Lord with all your heart or do you lean on your own understanding?

Practical Divine Wisdom #295

What does it mean to trust in the Lord? The need to have God's Word in your soul

Practical Divine Wisdom #294

Let the Justice of God handle injustice against you

Practical Divine Wisdom #293

Communion: loneliness of Christ

Practical Divine Wisdom #292

Outline of Psalm 59: a chapter of divine deliverance

Practical Divine Wisdom #291

David's inspiration to reflect on the adverse incidents in his life and his unshaken trust in God's deliverance

Practical Divine Wisdom #290

Introduction to Psalm 59; the controversy over the chapter

Practical Divine Wisdom #289

Introduction to Psalm 59; the Lord is on our side, we cannot let stress control our soul

Practical Divine Wisdom #288

Experiential righteousness is your spiritual lifestyle; salvation is not dependent on how you live your life

Practical Divine Wisdom #287

The mental attitude of indolence; diligence is precious

Practical Divine Wisdom #286

The righteous believer is able to discern the character of those they choose to have a close relationship with

Practical Divine Wisdom #285

To prevent fear from controlling your life, use the faith-rest drill for a relaxed mental attitude

Practical Divine Wisdom #284

The good word and sharing the happiness of God

Practical Divine Wisdom #283

The impact of the word of God on anxiety and fear; using Bible promises

Practical Divine Wisdom #282

Solution for anxiety and fear

Practical Divine Wisdom #281

Problems of anxiety and fear

Practical Divine Wisdom #280

The doctrine of work Part 11: The plan of God designs work for believers and unbelievers; socialism breeds sluggards and impoverishes everyone

Practical Divine Wisdom #279

Communion: the tree of life, the fig leaf cover-up, and the salvation work of Christ

Practical Divine Wisdom #278

The doctrine of work Part 10: Hard work is required to be a good ruler; the diligent are motivated to work hard but a slacker must be forced

Practical Divine Wisdom #277

The doctrine of work, Part 9: Rejection of a work ethic to embrace socialism

Practical Divine Wisdom #276

The doctrine of work, Part 8: consequences of indolence and laziness in work

Practical Divine Wisdom #275

The doctrine of work, Part 7: consequences of the unethical, lying work practices

Practical Divine Wisdom #274

The doctrine of work, Part 6: Characteristics of work

Practical Divine Wisdom #273

The doctrine of work, Part 5: balance of work and rest; indolence means poverty of soul

Practical Divine Wisdom #272

The doctrine of work, Part 4: the Christian's motivation for working; God's divine design for man

Practical Divine Wisdom #271

The doctrine of work, Part 3: Do whatever you do as unto the Lord

Practical Divine Wisdom #270

The doctrine of work, Part 2: the curse of God on the land with thorns and thistles

Practical Divine Wisdom #269

The doctrine of work, Part 1

Practical Divine Wisdom #268

Work and work ethic: diligent or slacker

Practical Divine Wisdom #267

A wise man speaks with discretion; things once said cannot be taken back

Practical Divine Wisdom #266

Lying is detestable to the Lord. Being faithful to the truth is pleasing to the Lord

Practical Divine Wisdom #265

How Christians must look at homosexuals; oppose the sin but not the individual

Practical Divine Wisdom #264

Liars are an abomination to the Lord; the lie of homosexuality

Practical Divine Wisdom #263

No harm befalls the righteous but the wicked are filled with trouble

Practical Divine Wisdom #262

Communion: The person of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for all

Practical Divine Wisdom #261

Couselors of peace have joy and demonstrate it to the world

Practical Divine Wisdom #260

Marxist government wants to replace God

Practical Divine Wisdom #259

Lying attacks on America to gain illegitimate power

Practical Divine Wisdom #258

Injustice and lies are inherent to those who devise evil

Practical Divine Wisdom #257

Lies on a national scale; social justice; multiculturalism; what is truth in this world | Part 3

Practical Divine Wisdom #256

Lies on a national scale; climate change, critical race theory | Part 2

Practical Divine Wisdom #255

Lies on a national scale; lies against the Jews | Part 1

Practical Divine Wisdom #254

Truth outlives lies

Practical Divine Wisdom #253

The healing tongue, kind and true; words of wisdom.

Practical Divine Wisdom #252

Poisonous tongues focused on Nehemiah and the Jews

Practical Divine Wisdom #251

Use of words, propaganda, to frighten and control

Practical Divine Wisdom #250

Communion: Jesus teaches His word in the Synagogue

Practical Divine Wisdom #249

Speech used as a weapon, evil words

Practical Divine Wisdom #248

The importance of a true witness vs. a false witness in a court of law

Practical Divine Wisdom #247

The prudent person does not react to the fool

Practical Divine Wisdom #246

July 4th and the Gettysburg Address; the person of anger is a fool

Practical Divine Wisdom #245

A wise person listens to wise council

Practical Divine Wisdom #244

The Bible is not antiquated; the intended meaning of God's word stands forever

Practical Divine Wisdom #243

Scripture is divinely inspired, revealing how God thinks

Practical Divine Wisdom #242

"Do not confuse me with the facts;" the arrogant egotism of the fool

Practical Divine Wisdom #241

The righteous are content speaking good, kind, fruitful words

Practical Divine Wisdom #240

Emotional revolt of the soul; how to control the anger

Practical Divine Wisdom #239

Are you controlled by your emotions?

Practical Divine Wisdom #238

Lies of Satan's cosmic system as in Neo-Marxism

Practical Divine Wisdom #237

The wicked desires the plunder of the evil; lying and dishonesty

Practical Divine Wisdom #236

Importance of working hard vs. the evil of being idle

Practical Divine Wisdom #235

Cruelty of the sin nature of man; how to find prosperity

Practical Divine Wisdom #234


Practical Divine Wisdom #233

The cruel compassion of the wicked with no respect for life

Practical Divine Wisdom #232

Cruelty to animals is a sign of a degenerating society

Practical Divine Wisdom #231

A righteous man is kind to his animals: a study of character

Practical Divine Wisdom #230

Humility is better than pretentiousness

Practical Divine Wisdom #229

Insight applied by Abigail, rewarded

Practical Divine Wisdom #228

Having insight: thinking with Divine Wisdom

Practical Divine Wisdom #227

Humanism: anything that leaves God out

Practical Divine Wisdom #226

The evil will fall, the righteous will stand

Practical Divine Wisdom #225

Believers without wisdom are easy targets for evil

Practical Divine Wisdom #224

Beware of deceptive speech

Practical Divine Wisdom #223

Why Christianity and critical race theory cannot coexist

Practical Divine Wisdom #222

God's design for the wife

Practical Divine Wisdom #221

God's design for the wife

Practical Divine Wisdom #220

God's design for the wife

Practical Divine Wisdom #219

Communion. God's design for the wife

Practical Divine Wisdom #218

God's design for the wife and husband

Practical Divine Wisdom #217

God will not let evil rule the entire world; believers facing evil have help in time of need

Practical Divine Wisdom #216

Evil finds condemnation from God

Practical Divine Wisdom #215

The favored one, set apart

Practical Divine Wisdom #214

Authority orientation part 6: disorientation to authority is stupid and self centered

Practical Divine Wisdom #213

Authority orientation part 5: parents over children, husbands over wives in leadership without arrogant abuse of authority

Practical Divine Wisdom #212

Authority orientation part 4: those who reject legitimate authority are stupid

Practical Divine Wisdom #211

Authority orientation part 3: excellent results of willingness to learn

Practical Divine Wisdom #210

Authority orientation part 2: Doctrine of

Practical Divine Wisdom #209

Authority orientation part 1; accepting disciplined instruction

Practical Divine Wisdom #208

Recompense for the believer vs. recompense for the wicked

Practical Divine Wisdom #207

Witnessing: Production of divine good

2021 Easter Special

Communion: Proofs of the resurrection

Practical Divine Wisdom #206

Righteousness: producing the fruit of the spiritual life

Practical Divine Wisdom #205

The fool that brings trouble to his house

Practical Divine Wisdom #204

The righteous will flourish, importance of family

Practical Divine Wisdom #203

Trusting in wealth can lead to disaster

Practical Divine Wisdom #202

Diligently seeking grace or diligently seeking evil

Practical Divine Wisdom #201

Economics of grace vs economics of evil, Part 2

Practical Divine Wisdom #200

Economics of grace vs economics of evil, Part 1

Practical Divine Wisdom #199

Scattering to increase; grace giving multiplies grace

Practical Divine Wisdom #198

Communion: 7 statements of Christ on the Cross. The widow’s mite

Practical Divine Wisdom #197

Severe discipline for giving with the wrong motivation; sin unto death

Practical Divine Wisdom #196

Ananias and Sapphira; giving with the wrong motivation

Practical Divine Wisdom #195

Grace giving and service. Scattering to increase

Practical Divine Wisdom #194

Beautiful soul vs the ugly soul. The desire of the righteous is only good; the expectation of the wicked is only wrath

Practical Divine Wisdom #193

Analogy of a pig’s snout with a gold ring

Practical Divine Wisdom #192

Cycles of Divine discipline

Practical Divine Wisdom #191

Communion: the central and most important event in history; Evil does not go unpunished

Practical Divine Wisdom #190

Holy spirit vs the sin nature for control of your soul. Sin unto death

Practical Divine Wisdom #189

The sin nature in every human

Practical Divine Wisdom #188

Divine good produced by believers only

Practical Divine Wisdom #187

Doctrine of Grace Orientation

Practical Divine Wisdom #186

Woman of grace vs the ruthless man. Merciful man vs the cruel man

Practical Divine Wisdom #185

Financial wisdom continued; a gracious woman

Practical Divine Wisdom #184

Financial wisdom

Practical Divine Wisdom #183

Failure of democracy. A great leader and advisor

Practical Divine Wisdom #182

The lack of leadership and wisdom in the new 2021 administration

Practical Divine Wisdom #181

Wise leadership and wise council

Practical Divine Wisdom #180

Gossips, Leadership

Practical Divine Wisdom #179

Wisdom of keeping your mouth shut

Practical Divine Wisdom #178

Divine blessing by association

Practical Divine Wisdom #177

Defeat of the Godless

Practical Divine Wisdom #176


Practical Divine Wisdom #175

The power of God

Practical Divine Wisdom #174

Deliverance for the righteous

Practical Divine Wisdom #173

Evil humanist are hopeless

2020 New Year's Eve Special

Confidence of victory in the Lord, raising the banner

Practical Divine Wisdom #172

The righteous vs the wicked

Practical Divine Wisdom #171

Righteousness imputed at salvation

2020 Christmas Special

Practical Divine Wisdom #170

Integrity vs treachery

Practical Divine Wisdom #169

Divine guidance

Practical Divine Wisdom #168

Communion: the Christmas gift

Practical Divine Wisdom #167

Humility and teachability is wisdom

Practical Divine Wisdom #166

Universal arrogance and love grown cold

Practical Divine Wisdom #165

Pride and arrogance

Practical Divine Wisdom #164

With pride comes dishonor

Practical Divine Wisdom #163

Honesty is a reflection of God�s righteousness

Practical Divine Wisdom #162

Honesty and dishonesty

Practical Divine Wisdom #161

The problem of the sin nature and humanism part 2

Practical Divine Wisdom #160

The problem of the sin nature and humanism part 1

Practical Divine Wisdom #159

Encouragement from the Lord

Practical Divine Wisdom #158

The believers eyes must be open to God�s Grace

Practical Divine Wisdom #157

Moses prays for a new beginning for his people

Practical Divine Wisdom #156

Turning back to the Lord

Practical Divine Wisdom #155

Communion. Moses appeals to God

Practical Divine Wisdom #154

Redeeming the time

Practical Divine Wisdom #153

Priority of organizing time

Practical Divine Wisdom #152

Wisdom and the Divine plan

Practical Divine Wisdom #151

Ultimate cause for receiving the fury of God

Practical Divine Wisdom #150

Nothing is hidden from God

Practical Divine Wisdom #149

Souls full of fear and misery

Practical Divine Wisdom #148

A nation and people consumed by God's fury

Practical Divine Wisdom #147

What happens to a nation that turns its back on God

Practical Divine Wisdom #146

Divine discipline of a failed generation and client nation

Practical Divine Wisdom #145

Communion. How time affects us

Practical Divine Wisdom #144

How God views time

Practical Divine Wisdom #143

Death of a Christian

Practical Divine Wisdom #142

Returning to dust

Practical Divine Wisdom #141

Moses prays on behalf of the Exodus generation

Practical Divine Wisdom #140

A prayer of Moses

Practical Divine Wisdom #139

Hope and confidence in the Lord

Practical Divine Wisdom #138

Assurance of God's deliverance

Practical Divine Wisdom #137

Unfailing love of God

Practical Divine Wisdom #136

Communion. Assurance of deliverance in adversity

Practical Divine Wisdom #135

False hope and strong delusion

Practical Divine Wisdom #134

Our source of security

Practical Divine Wisdom #133

Evaluation of man and nations by God

Practical Divine Wisdom #132

Client nations of God

Practical Divine Wisdom #131

Blessed is a nation who's God is the Lord

Practical Divine Wisdom #130

4th generation curse

Practical Divine Wisdom #129

Do not neglect wisdom and have a good life

Practical Divine Wisdom #128

When there was nothing I was there. Blessing for those who live by wisdom

Practical Divine Wisdom #127

Wisdom in creation and before

Practical Divine Wisdom #126

Divine wisdom is wealth

Practical Divine Wisdom #125

Divine wisdom and love created and sustain the universe

Practical Divine Wisdom #124

Divine wisdom in government

Practical Divine Wisdom #123

Divine institutions of God

Practical Divine Wisdom #122

Communion. To fear the Lord is to hate evil

Practical Divine Wisdom #121

Stop confusion through wisdom

Practical Divine Wisdom #120

Wisdom vs humanism

Practical Divine Wisdom #119

Wisdom calls out to fools. Equality

Practical Divine Wisdom #118

Wisdom takes a stand

Practical Divine Wisdom #117

Does not wisdom call

Practical Divine Wisdom #116

Council of the Lord

Practical Divine Wisdom #115

Evil of secular humanism

Practical Divine Wisdom #114

Communion. Neo-marxism attack on Christianity

Practical Divine Wisdom #113

Secular humanism

Practical Divine Wisdom #112

God's sovereign plan vs secular humanism

Practical Divine Wisdom #111

The power of God nullifies evil plans

Practical Divine Wisdom #110

Greatness of the power of God

Practical Divine Wisdom #109

A call to the client nation to praise the Lord

Practical Divine Wisdom #108

Rule of law

Practical Divine Wisdom #107

God's promise of deliverance

Practical Divine Wisdom #106


Practical Divine Wisdom #105

God's people and His protection

Practical Divine Wisdom #104

Communion. God's solutions

Practical Divine Wisdom #103

Secular humanist

Practical Divine Wisdom #102

Misery and dread of the fool

Practical Divine Wisdom #101

The fear of the humanist

Practical Divine Wisdom #100

The spiritually bankrupt fool

Practical Divine Wisdom #99

People embracing evil

Practical Divine Wisdom #98

A foolish corrupt human race

Practical Divine Wisdom #97

God seeks man

Practical Divine Wisdom #96

The fool

Practical Divine Wisdom #95

Godless human race

Practical Divine Wisdom #94

Cosmic system of Satan

Practical Divine Wisdom #93

Cosmic system

Practical Divine Wisdom #92

David's rescue and revitalization

Practical Divine Wisdom #91

Divine solution to adversity

Practical Divine Wisdom #90

David pray's

Practical Divine Wisdom #89

Developing a relaxed mental attitude

Practical Divine Wisdom #88

David's prayer of lament

Practical Divine Wisdom #87

Evil slander and lies

Practical Divine Wisdom #86

Pure words of the Lord

Practical Divine Wisdom #85

God's iron clad promises

Practical Divine Wisdom #84

Angels to guard you

Practical Divine Wisdom #83

Trust in the Faithfulness of God

Practical Divine Wisdom #82

Security in the Lord

Practical Divine Wisdom #81

A mighty fortress is our God

Practical Divine Wisdom #80

Deliverance and security in God's word

Practical Divine Wisdom #79

Power politics

Practical Divine Wisdom #78

Human power vs Divine power

2020 Easter Special: The Bones of Mary

Practical Divine Wisdom #77


Practical Divine Wisdom #76

Priorities and dedication

Practical Divine Wisdom #75

Discernment for the believer

Practical Divine Wisdom #74

Prayer of David for the nation

Practical Divine Wisdom #73

The Lord vindicates the righteous

Practical Divine Wisdom #72

Don't dig your own pit

Practical Divine Wisdom #71

The evil fall into their own pit

Practical Divine Wisdom #70

Consequences of evil